By Che Fare n.72 April - May 2010
Has the crisis of the capitalistic order been overcome ?
Most of the articles published in this issue of "
che fare" are concentrated on the Italian situation. The political line these articles draw, however, refers to a specific evaluation of the international situation. The analysis of this situation and of its rapid evolution is not a digression from the urgency of the concrete problems that workers have to tackle daily.Up to now, the capitalistic control centres of Washington have well managed the financial and politic levers to prevent the economic crisis, which has overwhelmed the entire Occident, from leading to a new 1929 crash. They have managed to do that also because in China and East Asia – by now a crucial area for the world accumulation - the capitalistic development has kept a lively rate. At the moment, the economic crisis seems to be stemmed, although the governments’ anti-crisis interventions have spread in Occident the clock bombs of enormous public deficits. However,
the "creaking" is moving to a diplomatic level. Especially, to the relationship between the U.S. and China."We are not Iraq, and we will not end up like Japan", the Chinese president said (23rd January 2010), in response to the monetary, commercial, diplomatic and cultural Obama’s pressures. These words give an idea of the underground tensions that are accumulating.
Symptoms of that are: the Google’s withdrawal from China, the Washington’s customs duties on tyres, trucks and iron tubes arriving from China, the relaunching of the supply of technologicallyadvanced arms to Taiwan from the US, the articles of the Chinese official press-agency against "the cybernetic imperialism of the U.S.", the Beijing’s fall of buying the US bonds. The extension by the Nobel "peace" Obama of the "infinite war" from Pakistan to Afghanistan and Africa, the attempts of increasing pressure on Iran to make it break the alliance with China, are also symptoms of that.
The G-2 (the US and China), that should have substitute the dead G-8 and have lead the world to a harmonious and sustainable development, is dead before birth.
Obama’s trip to China has ratified it in front of the whole world.The point is that the
capital, both the declining one lead by the U.S., and the ascending one lead by China, is not able to give a stable and harmonious order to the world and to the life of humanity. The globalization of manufacturing production, the creation of a planetary financial circuit, the rise in number of the proletarians of every continent, the growing expectations of the hundred millions of proletarians that have entered the stage in the last decades in Asia, Africa, ad Latin America, and in part emigrated to the West, the strengthening of the Chinese capitalistic power and the weaving around it of a network of anti-U.S. bourgeois countries, cannot be maintained anymore within the present "stars and strips" capitalistic order.Obama wants to reorganize this order, aiming to give it a new strength and confirm the Washington’s global leadership. Step by step, Beijing is working to build the conditions to overthrow the global capitalistic hierarchy. In the meantime, the most brilliant representatives of European bourgeoisie affirm that, if the financial centres of the "Old Continent" does not want to undergo the decline resulting from the shifting to Asia of the world’s capitalistic centre of gravity, they have to stop from being the "entertainment park" of the world workers…
These events are not a different thing from the hits that workers are receiving in Italy. They are the international side of the same attempt by the global capital
to speed up the process of lowering the value of workforce, as the only recipe for lengthening the life of the present social order. It is this social system and this recipe the enemy that is making more and more insecure the workers’ existence. It is not immigrants, it is not Chinese workers.By Che Fare n.72 April - May 2010