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Summary of "Che fare" ("What is to be done") n.78  May 2013 - October  2013

After Monti, the new government Letta continues the attack against the workers, he launch a "new" more authoritative republic and he partecipates to the wars of UN - UE - Nato against the exploited peoples  and workers of Africa and Middle East 

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The condition of workers get worse. The change can arrive only by the crash of class against Italian Letta government and italian owners. We don't be afraid it!

Amadeo Bordiga 1922. The metaphysics of democratic principle

It serve more or less trade union?

What the owners claim and impose in the enterprise. Trade unions Cgil, Cisl and Uil want build a "producers alliance"

R,B,Reich: the divided brain" of workers -  investors - stockholders

TLC collective agreement: once upon a time protected sectors

BNL BNP Paribas: a little, but instructive fight

Letta Government: what news there are for immigrant workers?

How the italian democracy considers indian people: the test of immigrant agrarian workers into the agro Pontino, near Latina.

Against UE - Nato policy operations in the Indian ocean

Mali: the neo-colonial aggression of Ue continue and enlarge in Africa and in the Middle East

The national demostration against Muos military system

Libia: Italina imperialism claim its own part of loot

China. We give the floor to our class brothers in China, the chinese workers

China: the fight into the factory A

How I ride the chinese worker. The western multinationals and the law of chinese parliament about the work (2006- 2007)

The blooshed at work in Bagladesh: death to murderous imperialism

The main responsibles of bloodshed in Savar are here, in Italy, in Europe, in the Western Countries!

The italian review Limes, Usa - China clash and the match Asia - Pacific

What do you really want from Us? (Chinese poetry on the web)

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Summary of "Che fare" ("What is to be done") n.78  May 2013 - October  2013

    Internationalist Communist Organization    

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