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10 March 2015

Summary of our flyer

Hands off Libya! Hands off Middle East!

Summary of our flyer


The western countries are preparing a new intervantion in Libya with a propaganda against arab-islamic exploited and workers people.

The Renzi government and mass media say that it is necessary to stop the "bloody civil war", for the peace in that country and for a a security problem in the southern border of the Italian nation.

These are all lies. In the 2011 the western country destroyed the Gheddafi Republic with six month of continuos carpet bombing and the use of mercenary bands paid by Washington, Rome, Paris, London.

The imperialist powers destroyed the Libyan Republic, bwecouse its politic isn't completely kneel to the European and Yankee countries. The Libyan Republic wanted to buid indipendet commercial, monetary and manufacturing relation  among African countries.

A the same time, the imperialist country send a terroristic warning to the  Egyptian and Tunisinian  workers people that had expelled Mubarak  and Ben Ali

The Western capitalis powers hoped to rule easily the country and steal the resources with local puppet. this idea isn't completely successful. Some of the reasons are the conflicts between imperialist bandits and their middle east allied (Egypt, Turkey, Israel,Qatar, ecc.). The Italian capitalistic powers, that consider Libya as their home courtyard,  want the greater slide of the cake. This is the reason becouse the italian istitution want to do a new wide neocolonialist military intervention.

The incessant campaign that paint the Arab and Muslim as feroucious animal thirsty of blood and the campaign agaist the immigrant workers in Italy and Europe want to deceive Italian and European workers to have their completely support to the oppression politic of western states and capitalists. These campaings must be rejected and denounced.

The proletariat in Western countries has the interest to fight to the war and "peace" politics of "own" governments and "own" states. They have the interest to see the immigrant workers and the arabic and islamic worker masses not as a menace, but as precios potential allied of class.

Or it begin to go in this direction, o, step by step, and "without realise this", the workers will be swallow up into a tragic fratricede crash against the workers of South of World and against a part of workers of  emerging countries. All this for the interests of "own" capital, of "own" ower, of "own" oppressor.    


10 March 2015

   Internationalist Communist Organization    

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